Common Orchid Tree (Bauhinia variegata): Complete Growing & Care Guide

orchid tree

The Common Orchid Tree (Bauhinia variegata) is a captivating plant known for its stunning flowers that resemble orchids. This tree is native to Southeast Asia, particularly India and China, and has become a beloved addition to gardens in warmer climates. Growing and caring for Bauhinia variegata requires a combination of sunlight, appropriate soil, and protection … Read more

Boysenberry Plant: Growing & Care Guide


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on growing and caring for boysenberry plants! As a delectable hybrid of raspberries and blackberries, boysenberries (Rubus ursinus x Rubus idaeus) are part of the rose family and share the common characteristics of brambles, such as thorns. Despite their prickly nature, these cane fruits are a delightful addition to any … Read more

How to Grow and Care for Japanese Maple

Japanese Maple

The Japanese is Maple native to Japan, where it has been widely cultivated for centuries. They were brought to Europe in the early 19th century and have continued to be bred into hundreds of beautiful cultivars.  Japanese maple trees are deciduous, perennial trees. They are attractive with bright foliage that changes color throughout the year. … Read more

How to Grow Blackberries


The rubus species of flowering bramble bushes, better known as blackberries, are an aggregate fruit that have spawned over 375 species. Blackberries can be found growing wild in Europe, northwestern Africa, western and central Asia, South America, and North America. Each region has its own indigenous subspecies, and blackberries can be cultivated in sunny, temperate … Read more

Pineapple Plant: Growing & Caring Guide

Pineapple Plant

Pineapple plant, also known by its scientific name Ananas, is a member of the Bromeliad family and can produce delicious fruit in your own home or garden. In this guide, I’ll be sharing my research and my advice to help you grow thriving pineapple plants and enjoy their delightful fruits. Growing your own pineapple plants … Read more